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Bases: Handler, Thing

Log handler with remote access attached to Thing's logger if logger_remote_access is True. The schema of the pushed logs are a list containing a dictionary for each log message with the following fields:

.. code-block:: python

    "level" : str,
    "timestamp" : str,
    "thread_id" : int,
    "message" : str
Source code in hololinked\core\
class RemoteAccessHandler(logging.Handler, RemoteObject):
    Log handler with remote access attached to ``Thing``'s logger if logger_remote_access is True.
    The schema of the pushed logs are a list containing a dictionary for each log message with 
    the following fields: 

    .. code-block:: python

            "level" : str,
            "timestamp" : str,
            "thread_id" : int,
            "message" : str

    def __init__(self, id : str = 'logger', maxlen : int = 500, stream_interval : float = 1.0, 
                    **kwargs) -> None:
        id: str, default 'logger'
            instance name of the object, generally only one instance per ``Thing`` necessary, therefore defaults to
        maxlen: int, default 500
            history of log entries to store in RAM
        stream_interval: float, default 1.0
            when streaming logs using log-events endpoint, this value is the stream interval.
            len_debug: int
                length of debug logs, default maxlen/5
            len_info: int
                length of info logs, default maxlen/5
            len_warn: int
                length of warn logs, default maxlen/5
            len_error: int
                length of error logs, default maxlen/5
            len_critical: int
                length of critical logs, default maxlen/5
        RemoteObject.__init__(self, id=id, **kwargs)
        self.set_maxlen(maxlen, **kwargs)
        self.stream_interval = stream_interval
        self.diff_logs = []
        self._push_events = False
        self._events_thread = None

    log_events = Event(friendly_name='log-events', doc='stream logs', 

    stream_interval = Number(default=1.0, bounds=(0.025, 60.0), crop_to_bounds=True, step=0.05,
                            doc="interval at which logs should be published to a client.")

    def get_maxlen(self):
        return self._maxlen 

    def set_maxlen(self, value, **kwargs):
        self._maxlen = value
        self._debug_logs = deque(maxlen=kwargs.pop('len_debug', int(value/5)))
        self._info_logs = deque(maxlen=kwargs.pop('len_info', int(value/5)))
        self._warn_logs = deque(maxlen=kwargs.pop('len_warn', int(value/5)))
        self._error_logs = deque(maxlen=kwargs.pop('len_error', int(value/5)))
        self._critical_logs = deque(maxlen=kwargs.pop('len_critical', int(value/5)))
        self._execution_logs = deque(maxlen=value)

    maxlen = Integer(default=100, bounds=(1, None), crop_to_bounds=True, 
                fget=get_maxlen, fset=set_maxlen, doc="length of execution log history to store")

    def push_events(self, scheduling : str = 'threaded', stream_interval : float = 1) -> None:
        Push events to client. This method is intended to be called remotely for
        debugging the Thing. 

        scheduling: str
            'threaded' or 'async. threaded starts a new thread, async schedules a task to the 
            main event loop.
        stream_interval: float
            interval of push in seconds. 
        self.stream_interval = stream_interval 
        if scheduling == 'asyncio':
            asyncio.get_event_loop().call_soon(lambda : asyncio.create_task(self._async_push_diff_logs()))
        elif scheduling == 'threading':
            if self._events_thread is not None: # dont create again if one is already running
                self._events_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._push_diff_logs)
            raise ValueError(f"scheduling can only be 'threaded' or 'async'. Given value {scheduling}")

    def stop_events(self) -> None:
        stop pushing events
        self._push_events = False 
        if self._events_thread: # coroutine variant will resolve automatically 
            self._owner.logger.debug(f"joined log event source with thread-id {self._events_thread.ident}.")
            self._events_thread = None

    def emit(self, record : logging.LogRecord):
        log_entry = self.format(record)
        info = {
            'level' : record.levelname,
            'timestamp' : datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"),
            'thread_id' : threading.get_ident(),
            'message' : record.msg
        if record.levelno < logging.INFO:
        elif record.levelno >= logging.INFO and record.levelno < logging.WARN:
        elif record.levelno >= logging.WARN and record.levelno < logging.ERROR:
        elif record.levelno >= logging.ERROR and record.levelno < logging.CRITICAL:
        elif record.levelno >= logging.CRITICAL:

        if self._push_events: 
            self.diff_logs.insert(0, info)

    def _push_diff_logs(self) -> None:
        self._push_events = True 
        while self._push_events:
            if len(self.diff_logs) > 0:
        # give time to collect final logs with certainty"ending log event source with thread-id {threading.get_ident()}.")

    async def _async_push_diff_logs(self) -> None:
        while self._push_events:
            await asyncio.sleep(self.stream_interval)
            self.diff_logs.clear()"ending log events.")

    debug_logs = List(default=[], readonly=True, fget=lambda self: self._debug_logs,
                            doc="logs at logging.DEBUG level")

    warn_logs = List(default=[], readonly=True, fget=lambda self: self._warn_logs,
                            doc="logs at logging.WARN level")

    info_logs = List(default=[], readonly=True, fget=lambda self: self._info_logs,
                            doc="logs at logging.INFO level")

    error_logs = List(default=[], readonly=True, fget=lambda self: self._error_logs,
                            doc="logs at logging.ERROR level")

    critical_logs = List(default=[], readonly=True, fget=lambda self: self._critical_logs,
                            doc="logs at logging.CRITICAL level")

    execution_logs = List(default=[], readonly=True, fget=lambda self: self._execution_logs,
                            doc="logs at all levels accumulated in order of collection/execution")



__init__(id: str = 'logger', maxlen: int = 500, stream_interval: float = 1.0, **kwargs) -> None


Name Type Description Default



instance name of the object, generally only one instance per Thing necessary, therefore defaults to 'logger'




history of log entries to store in RAM




when streaming logs using log-events endpoint, this value is the stream interval.



len_debug: int length of debug logs, default maxlen/5 len_info: int length of info logs, default maxlen/5 len_warn: int length of warn logs, default maxlen/5 len_error: int length of error logs, default maxlen/5 len_critical: int length of critical logs, default maxlen/5

Source code in hololinked\core\
def __init__(self, id : str = 'logger', maxlen : int = 500, stream_interval : float = 1.0, 
                **kwargs) -> None:
    id: str, default 'logger'
        instance name of the object, generally only one instance per ``Thing`` necessary, therefore defaults to
    maxlen: int, default 500
        history of log entries to store in RAM
    stream_interval: float, default 1.0
        when streaming logs using log-events endpoint, this value is the stream interval.
        len_debug: int
            length of debug logs, default maxlen/5
        len_info: int
            length of info logs, default maxlen/5
        len_warn: int
            length of warn logs, default maxlen/5
        len_error: int
            length of error logs, default maxlen/5
        len_critical: int
            length of critical logs, default maxlen/5
    RemoteObject.__init__(self, id=id, **kwargs)
    self.set_maxlen(maxlen, **kwargs)
    self.stream_interval = stream_interval
    self.diff_logs = []
    self._push_events = False
    self._events_thread = None


push_events(scheduling: str = 'threaded', stream_interval: float = 1) -> None

Push events to client. This method is intended to be called remotely for debugging the Thing.


Name Type Description Default



'threaded' or 'async. threaded starts a new thread, async schedules a task to the main event loop.




interval of push in seconds.

Source code in hololinked\core\
def push_events(self, scheduling : str = 'threaded', stream_interval : float = 1) -> None:
    Push events to client. This method is intended to be called remotely for
    debugging the Thing. 

    scheduling: str
        'threaded' or 'async. threaded starts a new thread, async schedules a task to the 
        main event loop.
    stream_interval: float
        interval of push in seconds. 
    self.stream_interval = stream_interval 
    if scheduling == 'asyncio':
        asyncio.get_event_loop().call_soon(lambda : asyncio.create_task(self._async_push_diff_logs()))
    elif scheduling == 'threading':
        if self._events_thread is not None: # dont create again if one is already running
            self._events_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._push_diff_logs)
        raise ValueError(f"scheduling can only be 'threaded' or 'async'. Given value {scheduling}")


stop_events() -> None

stop pushing events

Source code in hololinked\core\
def stop_events(self) -> None:
    stop pushing events
    self._push_events = False 
    if self._events_thread: # coroutine variant will resolve automatically 
        self._owner.logger.debug(f"joined log event source with thread-id {self._events_thread.ident}.")
        self._events_thread = None