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Base class providing additional functionality related to actions, it is not meant to be subclassed directly by the end-user.

UML Diagram

Source code in hololinked\core\
class RemoteInvokable:
    Base class providing additional functionality related to actions, 
    it is not meant to be subclassed directly by the end-user.

    [UML Diagram](http://localhost:8000/UML/PDF/Thing.pdf)
    id : str

    def __init__(self):

    # creating name without underscore causes clash with the metaclass method 
    # with same name
    def create_actions_registry(self) -> None:
        """creates a registry for available `Actions` based on `ActionsRegistry`"""
        self._actions_registry = ActionsRegistry(self.__class__, self)

    def actions(self) -> ActionsRegistry:
        """container for the action descriptors of the object."""
        return self._actions_registry


actions property

actions: ActionsRegistry

container for the action descriptors of the object.



create_actions_registry() -> None

creates a registry for available Actions based on ActionsRegistry

Source code in hololinked\core\
def create_actions_registry(self) -> None:
    """creates a registry for available `Actions` based on `ActionsRegistry`"""
    self._actions_registry = ActionsRegistry(self.__class__, self)