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Bases: Propertized, RemoteInvokable, EventSource

Subclass from here to expose hardware or python objects on the network. Remotely accessible members of a Thing are segragated into properties, actions & events. Utilize properties for data that can be read and written, actions to instruct the object to perform tasks and events to get notified of any relevant information. State Machines can be used to contrain operations on properties and actions.

UML Diagram

Source code in hololinked\core\
class Thing(Propertized, RemoteInvokable, EventSource, metaclass=ThingMeta):
    Subclass from here to expose hardware or python objects on the network. Remotely accessible members of a `Thing` are 
    segragated into properties, actions & events. Utilize properties for data that can be read and written, 
    actions to instruct the object to perform tasks and events to get notified of any relevant information. State Machines
    can be used to contrain operations on properties and actions.  

    [UML Diagram](http://localhost:8000/UML/PDF/Thing.pdf)

    # local properties
    id = String(default=None, regex=r'[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z_0-9\-\/]*', constant=True, remote=False,
            doc="""String identifier of the instance. For an interconnected system of hardware, 
            IDs are recommended to be unique. This value is used for many operations,
            for example - creating zmq socket address, tables in databases, and to identify the instance 
            in the HTTP Server - (http(s)://{domain and sub domain}/{id}).""") # type: str

    logger = ClassSelector(class_=logging.Logger, default=None, allow_None=True, remote=False, 
                doc="""logging.Logger instance to track log messages. Default logger with a IO-stream handler 
                    and network accessible handler is created if none supplied.""") # type: logging.Logger

    state_machine = None # type: typing.Optional["StateMachine"]

    # remote properties
    state = String(default=None, allow_None=True, readonly=True, observable=True,
                fget=lambda self: self.state_machine.current_state if self.state_machine else None,
                doc="""current state machine's state if state machine present, `None` indicates absence of state machine.
                State machine returned state is always a string even if specified as an Enum in the state machine.""") #type: typing.Optional[str]

    # object_info = Property(doc="contains information about this object like the class name, script location etc.") # type: ThingInformation

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        obj = super().__new__(cls)
        # defines some internal fixed attributes. attributes created by us that require no validation but 
        # cannot be modified are called _internal_fixed_attributes
        obj._internal_fixed_attributes = ['_internal_fixed_attributes', '_owners', 'rpc_server', 'event_publisher']        
        return obj

    def __init__(self, *, 
                id: str, 
                logger: typing.Optional[logging.Logger] = None, 
                serializer: typing.Optional[BaseSerializer | JSONSerializer] = None, 
                **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
            ) -> None:
        id: str
            String identifier of the instance. For an interconnected system of hardware,
            IDs are recommended to be unique. This value is used for many operations, for example - 
            creating zmq socket address, tables in databases, and to identify the instance in a 
            HTTP Server - (http(s)://{domain and sub domain}/{id}).  
        logger: logging.Logger, optional
            logging.Logger instance to track log messages. Default logger with a IO-stream handler 
            and network accessible handler is created if None supplied.
        serializer: BaseSerializer | JSONSerializer, optional
            Serializer to be used for serializing and deserializing data - preferred is a JSON Serializer. 
            If not supplied, a `msgspec` based JSON Serializer is used.
        **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, Any]
            - remote_accessible_logger: `bool`, Default False.
                if False, network accessible handler is not attached to the logger. `remote_accessible_logger` can also be set as a 
                class attribute.
            - use_default_db: `bool`, Default False.
                if True, default SQLite database is created where properties can be stored and loaded. There is no need to supply
                any database credentials. `use_default_db` value can also be set as a class attribute.
            - db_config_file: `str`, optional.
                if not using a default database, supply a JSON configuration file to create a database connection. Check documentaion
                of `hololinked.core.database`.  
        Propertized.__init__(self, id=id, logger=logger, **kwargs)
  "removed leading '/' from id")
        if serializer is not None:
            Serializers.register_for_thing_instance(, serializer)

        from .logger import prepare_object_logger
        from .state_machine import prepare_object_FSM
        from .database import prepare_object_database
            log_level=kwargs.get('log_level', None), 
            log_file=kwargs.get('log_file', None),
                                self.__class__.remote_accessible_logger if hasattr(
                                        self.__class__, 'remote_accessible_logger') else False
        prepare_object_database(self, kwargs.get('use_default_db', False), kwargs.get('db_config_file', None))   

        # thing._qualified_id = f'{self._qualified_id}/{}'

    def __post_init__(self):
        from .zmq.rpc_server import RPCServer
        from .events import EventPublisher
        from .logger import RemoteAccessHandler
        # Type definitions
        self.rpc_server = None # type: typing.Optional[RPCServer]
        self.event_publisher = None # type: typing.Optional[EventPublisher] 
        self._owners = None if not hasattr(self, '_owners') else self._owners # type: typing.Optional[typing.List[Thing]]
        self._remote_access_loghandler: typing.Optional[RemoteAccessHandler] 
        self._internal_fixed_attributes: typing.List[str]
        self._qualified_id: str
        self._state_machine_state: str
        # database operations
        # object is ready"initialialised Thing class {self.__class__.__name__} with id {}")

    def __setattr__(self, __name: str, __value: typing.Any) -> None:
        if  __name == '_internal_fixed_attributes' or __name in self._internal_fixed_attributes: 
            # order of 'or' operation for above 'if' matters
            if not hasattr(self, __name) or getattr(self, __name, None) is None:
                # allow setting of fixed attributes once
                super().__setattr__(__name, __value)
                raise AttributeError(f"Attempted to set {__name} more than once. " +
                                     "Cannot assign a value to this variable after creation.")
            super().__setattr__(__name, __value)

    def sub_things(self) -> typing.Dict[str, "Thing"]:
        """other `Thing`'s that are composed within this `Thing`."""
        things = dict()
        for name, subthing in inspect._getmembers(
                                lambda obj: isinstance(obj, Thing), 
            if not hasattr(subthing, '_owners') or subthing._owners is None:
                subthing._owners = []
            if self not in subthing._owners:
            things[name] = subthing
        return things

    def get_thing_model(self, ignore_errors: bool = False):
        generate the [Thing Model]( of the object. 
        The model is a JSON that describes the object's properties, actions, events and their metadata, without the 
        protocol information. The model can be used by a client to understand the object's capabilities. 

        ignore_errors: bool, optional, Default False
            if True, offending interaction affordances will be removed from the JSON. 
            This is useful to build partial but always working ThingModel.             `

            represented as an object in python, gets automatically serialized to JSON when pushed out of the socket. 
        # allow_loose_schema: bool, optional, Default False 
        #     Experimental properties, actions or events for which schema was not given will be supplied with a suitable 
        #     value for node-wot to ignore validation or claim the accessed value for complaint with the schema.
        #     In other words, schema validation will always pass.  
        from import ThingModel
        return ThingModel(

    thing_model = property(get_thing_model, doc=get_thing_model.__doc__) 

    def get_our_thing_model(self, ignore_errors: bool = False) -> JSON:
        Certain customizations to the Thing Model to facilitate features that are not part of the standard yet. 

        ignore_errors: bool, optional, Default False
            if True, offending interaction affordances will be removed from the JSON. 
            This is useful to build partial but always working ThingModel.
        return build_our_temp_TD(self, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)

    def run_with_zmq_server(self, 
            transports: typing.Sequence[ZMQ_TRANSPORTS] | ZMQ_TRANSPORTS = ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.IPC, 
            forked: bool = False,
            # expose_eventloop : bool = False,
            **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
        ) -> None:
        Quick-start to serve `Thing` over ZMQ. This method is fully blocking. This 
        method is blocking until `exit()` is called.

        transports: Sequence[ZMQ_TRANSPORTS] | ZMQ_TRANSPORTS, Default ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.IPC or "IPC"
            ZMQ transport layers at which the object is exposed:

            - TCP -  custom implemented protocol in plain TCP - supply a socket address additionally or a random port
            will be automatically used.  
            - IPC - inter process communication - connection can be made from other processes running 
            locally within same computer. No client on the network will be able to contact the object using
            this transport. Beginners may use this transport for learning and testing without worrying about
            network security or technicalities of a sophisticated protocol like HTTP or MQTT. Also, use this transport 
            if you wish to avoid configuring your firewall.  
            - INPROC - one main python process spawns several threads in one of which the `Thing`
            will be running. The object can be contacted by a client on another thread but not from other processes 
            or the network. One may use more than one form of transport.  All requests made will be anyway queued internally
            irrespective of origin. 

            For multiple transports, supply a list of transports. For example: `[ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.TCP, ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.IPC]`,
            `["TCP", "IPC"]` or `["IPC", "INPROC"]`.

            - tcp_socket_address: `str`, optional,
                socket address for TCP access, for example: tcp://
            - context: `zmq.asyncio.Context`, optional,
                ZMQ context object to be used for creating sockets. If not supplied, a new context is created.
                For INPROC clients, you need to provide the same context used here.
        from .zmq.rpc_server import prepare_rpc_server
        prepare_rpc_server(instance=self, transports=transports, **kwargs)

    def run_with_http_server(self, port: int = 8080, address: str = '', 
                # host: str = None, 
                allowed_clients: str | typing.Iterable[str] | None = None,   
                ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext | None = None, 
                # protocol_version : int = 1, 
                # network_interface : str = 'Ethernet', 
                **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
            ) -> None:
        Quick-start to serve `Thing` over HTTP. This method is fully blocking.

        port: int
            the port at which the HTTP server should be run (unique)
        address: str
            A convenience option to set IP address apart from (which is default)
        ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext | None
            use it for customized SSL context to provide encrypted communication. For certificate file and key file,
            one may also use `certfile` and `keyfile` options.
        allowed_clients: typing.Iterable[str] | str | None
            serves request and sets CORS only from these clients, other clients are rejected with 403. Uses remote IP
            header value to achieve this. Unlike CORS, the server resource is not even executed if the client is not an allowed client. 
            Note that the remote IP in a HTTP request is believable only from a trusted HTTP client, not a modified one.
        **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
            - certfile: `str`,
                alternative to SSL context, provide certificate file & key file to allow the server to create a SSL connection on its own
            - keyfile: `str`,
                alternative to SSL context, provide certificate file & key file to allow the server to create a SSL connection on its own
            - property_handler: `BaseHandler` | `PropertyHandler`,
                custom web request handler for property operations 
            - action_handler: `BaseHandler` | `ActionHandler`,
                custom web request handler for action operations
            - event_handler: `BaseHandler` | `EventHandler`,
                custom event handler of your choice for handling events
        # network_interface: str
        #     Currently there is no logic to detect the IP addresss (as externally visible) correctly, therefore please 
        #     send the network interface name to retrieve the IP. If a DNS server is present, you may leave this field
        # host: str
        #     Host Server to subscribe to coordinate starting sequence of things & web GUI

        from ..protocols.http.server import HTTPServer        
        http_server = HTTPServer(
            [self], logger=self.logger,
            port=port, address=address, ssl_context=ssl_context,
            # network_interface=network_interface, 
        assert http_server.all_ok

    def run(self, servers: typing.Sequence[BaseProtocolServer]) -> None:
        Expose the object with the given servers. This method is blocking until `exit()` is called.

        servers: Sequence[BaseProtocolServer] 
            list of instantiated servers to expose the object.
        from ..protocols.http.server import HTTPServer        
        from ..protocols.zmq.server import ZMQServer
        from .zmq.rpc_server import RPCServer, prepare_rpc_server

        rpc_server = None
        if not any(isinstance(server, (RPCServer, ZMQServer)) for server in servers):
            rpc_server = self.rpc_server
        for server in servers:
            if isinstance(server, HTTPServer):
            elif isinstance(server, (ZMQServer, RPCServer)):
                rpc_server = server

    def exit(self) -> None:
        """Stop serving the object. This method can only be called remotely"""
        if self.rpc_server is None:
            self.logger.debug("exit() called on a object that is not exposed yet.")
        if self._owners:
            raise BreakInnerLoop # stops the inner loop of the object
            raise NotImplementedError("call exit on the top-level object, composed objects cannot exit the loop. "+
                                f"This object belongs to {self._owners.__class__.__name__} with ID {}.")

    def ping(self) -> None:
        """ping the `Thing` to see if it is alive. No timeout or exception must be raised on the client side."""

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return hash(inspect.getfile(self.__class__) + self.__class__.__name__ +
        # i.e. unique to a computer 

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Thing):
            return False
        return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and ==

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({})"

    def __contains__(self, item: Property | BoundAction | EventDispatcher) -> bool:
        return item in or item in self.actions or item in

    def __enter__(self) -> "Thing":
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None:



__init__(*, id: str, logger: typing.Optional[logging.Logger] = None, serializer: typing.Optional[BaseSerializer | JSONSerializer] = None, **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None


Name Type Description Default



String identifier of the instance. For an interconnected system of hardware, IDs are recommended to be unique. This value is used for many operations, for example - creating zmq socket address, tables in databases, and to identify the instance in a HTTP Server - (http(s)://{domain and sub domain}/{id}).




logging.Logger instance to track log messages. Default logger with a IO-stream handler and network accessible handler is created if None supplied.



Optional[BaseSerializer | JSONSerializer]

Serializer to be used for serializing and deserializing data - preferred is a JSON Serializer. If not supplied, a msgspec based JSON Serializer is used.



Dict[str, Any]
  • remote_accessible_logger: bool, Default False. if False, network accessible handler is not attached to the logger. remote_accessible_logger can also be set as a class attribute.
  • use_default_db: bool, Default False. if True, default SQLite database is created where properties can be stored and loaded. There is no need to supply any database credentials. use_default_db value can also be set as a class attribute.
  • db_config_file: str, optional. if not using a default database, supply a JSON configuration file to create a database connection. Check documentaion of hololinked.core.database.
Source code in hololinked\core\
def __init__(self, *, 
            id: str, 
            logger: typing.Optional[logging.Logger] = None, 
            serializer: typing.Optional[BaseSerializer | JSONSerializer] = None, 
            **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
        ) -> None:
    id: str
        String identifier of the instance. For an interconnected system of hardware,
        IDs are recommended to be unique. This value is used for many operations, for example - 
        creating zmq socket address, tables in databases, and to identify the instance in a 
        HTTP Server - (http(s)://{domain and sub domain}/{id}).  
    logger: logging.Logger, optional
        logging.Logger instance to track log messages. Default logger with a IO-stream handler 
        and network accessible handler is created if None supplied.
    serializer: BaseSerializer | JSONSerializer, optional
        Serializer to be used for serializing and deserializing data - preferred is a JSON Serializer. 
        If not supplied, a `msgspec` based JSON Serializer is used.
    **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, Any]
        - remote_accessible_logger: `bool`, Default False.
            if False, network accessible handler is not attached to the logger. `remote_accessible_logger` can also be set as a 
            class attribute.
        - use_default_db: `bool`, Default False.
            if True, default SQLite database is created where properties can be stored and loaded. There is no need to supply
            any database credentials. `use_default_db` value can also be set as a class attribute.
        - db_config_file: `str`, optional.
            if not using a default database, supply a JSON configuration file to create a database connection. Check documentaion
            of `hololinked.core.database`.  
    Propertized.__init__(self, id=id, logger=logger, **kwargs)
    if'/'): =[1:]"removed leading '/' from id")
    if serializer is not None:
        Serializers.register_for_thing_instance(, serializer)

    from .logger import prepare_object_logger
    from .state_machine import prepare_object_FSM
    from .database import prepare_object_database
        log_level=kwargs.get('log_level', None), 
        log_file=kwargs.get('log_file', None),
                            self.__class__.remote_accessible_logger if hasattr(
                                    self.__class__, 'remote_accessible_logger') else False
    prepare_object_database(self, kwargs.get('use_default_db', False), kwargs.get('db_config_file', None))   


run_with_http_server(port: int = 8080, address: str = '', allowed_clients: str | typing.Iterable[str] | None = None, ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext | None = None, **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None

Quick-start to serve Thing over HTTP. This method is fully blocking.


Name Type Description Default



the port at which the HTTP server should be run (unique)




A convenience option to set IP address apart from (which is default)



SSLContext | None

use it for customized SSL context to provide encrypted communication. For certificate file and key file, one may also use certfile and keyfile options.



str | Iterable[str] | None

serves request and sets CORS only from these clients, other clients are rejected with 403. Uses remote IP header value to achieve this. Unlike CORS, the server resource is not even executed if the client is not an allowed client. Note that the remote IP in a HTTP request is believable only from a trusted HTTP client, not a modified one.



Dict[str, Any]
  • certfile: str, alternative to SSL context, provide certificate file & key file to allow the server to create a SSL connection on its own
  • keyfile: str, alternative to SSL context, provide certificate file & key file to allow the server to create a SSL connection on its own
  • property_handler: BaseHandler | PropertyHandler, custom web request handler for property operations
  • action_handler: BaseHandler | ActionHandler, custom web request handler for action operations
  • event_handler: BaseHandler | EventHandler, custom event handler of your choice for handling events
Source code in hololinked\core\
def run_with_http_server(self, port: int = 8080, address: str = '', 
            # host: str = None, 
            allowed_clients: str | typing.Iterable[str] | None = None,   
            ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext | None = None, 
            # protocol_version : int = 1, 
            # network_interface : str = 'Ethernet', 
            **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
        ) -> None:
    Quick-start to serve `Thing` over HTTP. This method is fully blocking.

    port: int
        the port at which the HTTP server should be run (unique)
    address: str
        A convenience option to set IP address apart from (which is default)
    ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext | None
        use it for customized SSL context to provide encrypted communication. For certificate file and key file,
        one may also use `certfile` and `keyfile` options.
    allowed_clients: typing.Iterable[str] | str | None
        serves request and sets CORS only from these clients, other clients are rejected with 403. Uses remote IP
        header value to achieve this. Unlike CORS, the server resource is not even executed if the client is not an allowed client. 
        Note that the remote IP in a HTTP request is believable only from a trusted HTTP client, not a modified one.
    **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
        - certfile: `str`,
            alternative to SSL context, provide certificate file & key file to allow the server to create a SSL connection on its own
        - keyfile: `str`,
            alternative to SSL context, provide certificate file & key file to allow the server to create a SSL connection on its own
        - property_handler: `BaseHandler` | `PropertyHandler`,
            custom web request handler for property operations 
        - action_handler: `BaseHandler` | `ActionHandler`,
            custom web request handler for action operations
        - event_handler: `BaseHandler` | `EventHandler`,
            custom event handler of your choice for handling events
    # network_interface: str
    #     Currently there is no logic to detect the IP addresss (as externally visible) correctly, therefore please 
    #     send the network interface name to retrieve the IP. If a DNS server is present, you may leave this field
    # host: str
    #     Host Server to subscribe to coordinate starting sequence of things & web GUI

    from ..protocols.http.server import HTTPServer        
    http_server = HTTPServer(
        [self], logger=self.logger,
        port=port, address=address, ssl_context=ssl_context,
        # network_interface=network_interface, 
    assert http_server.all_ok


run_with_zmq_server(transports: typing.Sequence[ZMQ_TRANSPORTS] | ZMQ_TRANSPORTS = ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.IPC, forked: bool = False, **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None

Quick-start to serve Thing over ZMQ. This method is fully blocking. This method is blocking until exit() is called.


Name Type Description Default



ZMQ transport layers at which the object is exposed:

  • TCP - custom implemented protocol in plain TCP - supply a socket address additionally or a random port will be automatically used.
  • IPC - inter process communication - connection can be made from other processes running locally within same computer. No client on the network will be able to contact the object using this transport. Beginners may use this transport for learning and testing without worrying about network security or technicalities of a sophisticated protocol like HTTP or MQTT. Also, use this transport if you wish to avoid configuring your firewall.
  • INPROC - one main python process spawns several threads in one of which the Thing will be running. The object can be contacted by a client on another thread but not from other processes or the network. One may use more than one form of transport. All requests made will be anyway queued internally irrespective of origin.

For multiple transports, supply a list of transports. For example: [ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.TCP, ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.IPC], ["TCP", "IPC"] or ["IPC", "INPROC"].



Dict[str, Any]
  • tcp_socket_address: str, optional, socket address for TCP access, for example: tcp://
  • context: zmq.asyncio.Context, optional, ZMQ context object to be used for creating sockets. If not supplied, a new context is created. For INPROC clients, you need to provide the same context used here.
Source code in hololinked\core\
def run_with_zmq_server(self, 
        transports: typing.Sequence[ZMQ_TRANSPORTS] | ZMQ_TRANSPORTS = ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.IPC, 
        forked: bool = False,
        # expose_eventloop : bool = False,
        **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
    ) -> None:
    Quick-start to serve `Thing` over ZMQ. This method is fully blocking. This 
    method is blocking until `exit()` is called.

    transports: Sequence[ZMQ_TRANSPORTS] | ZMQ_TRANSPORTS, Default ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.IPC or "IPC"
        ZMQ transport layers at which the object is exposed:

        - TCP -  custom implemented protocol in plain TCP - supply a socket address additionally or a random port
        will be automatically used.  
        - IPC - inter process communication - connection can be made from other processes running 
        locally within same computer. No client on the network will be able to contact the object using
        this transport. Beginners may use this transport for learning and testing without worrying about
        network security or technicalities of a sophisticated protocol like HTTP or MQTT. Also, use this transport 
        if you wish to avoid configuring your firewall.  
        - INPROC - one main python process spawns several threads in one of which the `Thing`
        will be running. The object can be contacted by a client on another thread but not from other processes 
        or the network. One may use more than one form of transport.  All requests made will be anyway queued internally
        irrespective of origin. 

        For multiple transports, supply a list of transports. For example: `[ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.TCP, ZMQ_TRANSPORTS.IPC]`,
        `["TCP", "IPC"]` or `["IPC", "INPROC"]`.

        - tcp_socket_address: `str`, optional,
            socket address for TCP access, for example: tcp://
        - context: `zmq.asyncio.Context`, optional,
            ZMQ context object to be used for creating sockets. If not supplied, a new context is created.
            For INPROC clients, you need to provide the same context used here.
    from .zmq.rpc_server import prepare_rpc_server
    prepare_rpc_server(instance=self, transports=transports, **kwargs)


run(servers: typing.Sequence[BaseProtocolServer]) -> None

Expose the object with the given servers. This method is blocking until exit() is called.


Name Type Description Default



list of instantiated servers to expose the object.

Source code in hololinked\core\
def run(self, servers: typing.Sequence[BaseProtocolServer]) -> None:
    Expose the object with the given servers. This method is blocking until `exit()` is called.

    servers: Sequence[BaseProtocolServer] 
        list of instantiated servers to expose the object.
    from ..protocols.http.server import HTTPServer        
    from ..protocols.zmq.server import ZMQServer
    from .zmq.rpc_server import RPCServer, prepare_rpc_server

    rpc_server = None
    if not any(isinstance(server, (RPCServer, ZMQServer)) for server in servers):
        rpc_server = self.rpc_server
    for server in servers:
        if isinstance(server, HTTPServer):
        elif isinstance(server, (ZMQServer, RPCServer)):
            rpc_server = server


ping() -> None

ping the Thing to see if it is alive. No timeout or exception must be raised on the client side.

Source code in hololinked\core\
def ping(self) -> None:
    """ping the `Thing` to see if it is alive. No timeout or exception must be raised on the client side."""


exit() -> None

Stop serving the object. This method can only be called remotely

Source code in hololinked\core\
def exit(self) -> None:
    """Stop serving the object. This method can only be called remotely"""
    if self.rpc_server is None:
        self.logger.debug("exit() called on a object that is not exposed yet.")
    if self._owners:
        raise BreakInnerLoop # stops the inner loop of the object
        raise NotImplementedError("call exit on the top-level object, composed objects cannot exit the loop. "+
                            f"This object belongs to {self._owners.__class__.__name__} with ID {}.")


get_thing_model(ignore_errors: bool = False)

generate the Thing Model of the object. The model is a JSON that describes the object's properties, actions, events and their metadata, without the protocol information. The model can be used by a client to understand the object's capabilities.


Name Type Description Default



if True, offending interaction affordances will be removed from the JSON. This is useful to build partial but always working ThingModel. `



Type Description

represented as an object in python, gets automatically serialized to JSON when pushed out of the socket.

Source code in hololinked\core\
def get_thing_model(self, ignore_errors: bool = False):
    generate the [Thing Model]( of the object. 
    The model is a JSON that describes the object's properties, actions, events and their metadata, without the 
    protocol information. The model can be used by a client to understand the object's capabilities. 

    ignore_errors: bool, optional, Default False
        if True, offending interaction affordances will be removed from the JSON. 
        This is useful to build partial but always working ThingModel.             `

        represented as an object in python, gets automatically serialized to JSON when pushed out of the socket. 
    # allow_loose_schema: bool, optional, Default False 
    #     Experimental properties, actions or events for which schema was not given will be supplied with a suitable 
    #     value for node-wot to ignore validation or claim the accessed value for complaint with the schema.
    #     In other words, schema validation will always pass.  
    from import ThingModel
    return ThingModel(



instance-attribute, writable
String identifier of the instance. For an interconnected system of hardware, IDs are recommended to be unique. This value is used for many operations, for example - creating zmq socket address, tables in databases, and to identify the instance in the HTTP Server - (http(s)://{domain and sub domain}/{id}).


instance-attribute, read-only
container for the property descriptors of the object


instance-attribute, read-only
container for the action descriptors of the object


instance-attribute, read-only
container for the event descriptors of the objec.


str, instance-attribute, writable
current state machine's state if state machine present, None indicates absence of state machine. State machine returned state is always a string even if specified as an Enum in the state machine.


typing.Dict[str, Thing]
other Thing's that are composed within this Thing.


logging.Logger instance to track log messages. Default logger with a IO-stream handler and network accessible handler is created if none supplied.