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A finite state machine to constrain property and action execution. Each Thing class can only have one state machine instantiated in a reserved class-level attribute named state_machine. Other instantiations are not respected. The state attribute defined as a Thing's property reflects the current state of the state machine and can be subscribed for state change events. When state_machine is accessed by a Thing instance, a BoundFSM object is returned.

Source code in hololinked\core\
class StateMachine:
    A finite state machine to constrain property and action execution. Each `Thing` class can only have one state machine
    instantiated in a reserved class-level attribute named `state_machine`. Other instantiations are not respected. 
    The `state` attribute defined as a `Thing`'s property reflects the current state of the state machine and
    can be subscribed for state change events. When `state_machine` is accessed by a `Thing` instance, 
    a `BoundFSM` object is returned.
    initial_state = ClassSelector(default=None, allow_None=True, constant=True, class_=(Enum, str), 
                        doc="initial state of the machine") # type: typing.Union[Enum, str]
    states = ClassSelector(default=None, allow_None=True, constant=True, class_=(EnumMeta, tuple, list),
                        doc="list/enum of allowed states") # type: typing.Union[EnumMeta, tuple, list]
    on_enter = TypedDict(default=None, allow_None=True, key_type=str,
                        doc="""callbacks to execute when a certain state is entered; 
                        specfied as map with state as keys and callbacks as list""") # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Callable]]
    on_exit = TypedDict(default=None, allow_None=True, key_type=str,
                        doc="""callbacks to execute when certain state is exited; 
                        specfied as map with state as keys and callbacks as list""") # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Callable]]
    machine = TypedDict(default=None, allow_None=True, item_type=(list, tuple), key_type=str, # i.e. its like JSON
                        doc="the machine specification with state as key and objects as list") # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Callable, Property]]
    valid = Boolean(default=False, readonly=True, fget=lambda self: self._valid, 
                        doc="internally computed, True if states, initial_states and the machine is valid")

    def __init__(self, 
            states: EnumMeta | typing.List[str] | typing.Tuple[str], *, 
            initial_state: StrEnum | str, 
            push_state_change_event : bool = True,
            on_enter: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Callable] | typing.Callable] = None, 
            on_exit: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Callable] | typing.Callable] = None, 
            **machine: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable | Property]
        ) -> None:
        states: EnumMeta | List[str] | Tuple[str]
            enumeration of states 
        initial_state: str 
            initial state of machine 
        push_state_change_event : bool, default True
            when the state changes, an event is pushed with the new state
        on_enter: Dict[str, Callable | Property] 
            callbacks to be invoked when a certain state is entered. It is to be specified 
            as a dictionary with the states being the keys
        on_exit: Dict[str, Callable | Property]
            callbacks to be invoked when a certain state is exited. 
            It is to be specified as a dictionary with the states being the keys
            state name: List[Callable, Property]
                directly pass the state name as an argument along with the methods/properties which are allowed to execute 
                in that state
        self._valid = False# = None
        self.on_enter = on_enter
        self.on_exit  = on_exit
        # None cannot be passed in, but constant is necessary. 
        self.states   = states
        self.initial_state = initial_state
        self.machine = machine
        self.push_state_change_event = push_state_change_event

    def __set_name__(self, owner: ThingMeta, name: str) -> None: = name
        self.owner = owner

    def validate(self, owner: Thing) -> None:
        # cannot merge this with __set_name__ because descriptor objects are not ready at that time.
        # reason - metaclass __init__ is called after __set_name__ of descriptors, therefore the new "proper" desriptor
        # registries are available only after that. Until then only the inherited descriptor registries are available, 
        # which do not correctly account the subclass's objects. 

        if self.states is None and self.initial_state is None:    
            self._valid = False 
        elif self.initial_state not in self.states:
            raise AttributeError(f"specified initial state {self.initial_state} not in Enum of states {self.states}.")

        # owner._state_machine_state = self._get_machine_compliant_state(self.initial_state)
        owner_properties = 
        owner_methods = owner.actions.get_descriptors(recreate=True).values()

        if isinstance(self.states, list):
            with edit_constant(self.__class__.states): # type: ignore
                self.states = tuple(self.states) # freeze the list of states

        # first validate machine
        for state, objects in self.machine.items():
            if state in self:
                for resource in objects:
                    if isinstance(resource, Action):
                        if resource not in owner_methods: 
                            raise AttributeError("Given object {} for state machine does not belong to class {}".format(
                                                                                                resource, owner))
                    elif isinstance(resource, Property):
                        if resource not in owner_properties: 
                            raise AttributeError("Given object {} for state machine does not belong to class {}".format(
                                                                                               resource, owner))
                        continue # for now
                        raise AttributeError(f"Object {resource} was not made remotely accessible," + 
                                    " use state machine with properties and actions only.")
                    if resource.execution_info.state is None: 
                        resource.execution_info.state = self._get_machine_compliant_state(state)
                        resource.execution_info.state = resource._execution_info.state + (self._get_machine_compliant_state(state), ) 
                raise StateMachineError("Given state {} not in allowed states ({})".format(state, self.states.__members__))

        # then the callbacks 
        if self.on_enter is None:
            self.on_enter = {}
        for state, objects in self.on_enter.items():
            if isinstance(objects, list):
                self.on_enter[state] = tuple(objects) 
            elif not isinstance(objects, (list, tuple)):
                self.on_enter[state] = (objects, )
            for obj in self.on_enter[state]: # type: ignore
                if not isinstance(obj, (FunctionType, MethodType)):
                    raise TypeError(f"on_enter accept only methods. Given type {type(obj)}.")

        if self.on_exit is None:
            self.on_exit = {}
        for state, objects in self.on_exit.items():
            if isinstance(objects, list):
                self.on_exit[state] = tuple(objects) # type: ignore
            elif not isinstance(objects, (list, tuple)):
                self.on_exit[state] = (objects, ) # type: ignore
            for obj in self.on_exit[state]: # type: ignore
                if not isinstance(obj, (FunctionType, MethodType)):
                    raise TypeError(f"on_enter accept only methods. Given type {type(obj)}.")     
        self._valid = True

    def __get__(self, instance, owner) -> "BoundFSM":
        if instance is None:
            return self
        return BoundFSM(instance, self)

    def __set__(self, instance, value) -> None:
        raise AttributeError("Cannot set state machine directly. It is a class level attribute and can be defined only once.")

    def __contains__(self, state: typing.Union[str, StrEnum]):
        if isinstance(self.states, EnumMeta) and state in self.states.__members__:
            return True
        elif isinstance(self.states, tuple) and state in self.states:
            return True
        return False

    def _get_machine_compliant_state(self, state) -> typing.Union[StrEnum, str]:
        In case of not using StrEnum or iterable of str, 
        this maps the enum of state to the state name.
        if isinstance(state, str):
            return state 
        if isinstance(state, Enum):
        raise TypeError(f"cannot comply state to a string: {state} which is of type {type(state)}. owner - {self.owner}.")



__init__(states: EnumMeta | typing.List[str] | typing.Tuple[str], *, initial_state: StrEnum | str, push_state_change_event: bool = True, on_enter: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Callable] | typing.Callable] = None, on_exit: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Callable] | typing.Callable] = None, **machine: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable | Property]) -> None


Name Type Description Default


EnumMeta | List[str] | Tuple[str]

enumeration of states



StrEnum | str

initial state of machine




when the state changes, an event is pushed with the new state



Dict[str, List[Callable] | Callable]

callbacks to be invoked when a certain state is entered. It is to be specified as a dictionary with the states being the keys



Dict[str, List[Callable] | Callable]

callbacks to be invoked when a certain state is exited. It is to be specified as a dictionary with the states being the keys



Dict[str, Callable | Property]

state name: List[Callable, Property] directly pass the state name as an argument along with the methods/properties which are allowed to execute in that state

Source code in hololinked\core\
def __init__(self, 
        states: EnumMeta | typing.List[str] | typing.Tuple[str], *, 
        initial_state: StrEnum | str, 
        push_state_change_event : bool = True,
        on_enter: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Callable] | typing.Callable] = None, 
        on_exit: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Callable] | typing.Callable] = None, 
        **machine: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable | Property]
    ) -> None:
    states: EnumMeta | List[str] | Tuple[str]
        enumeration of states 
    initial_state: str 
        initial state of machine 
    push_state_change_event : bool, default True
        when the state changes, an event is pushed with the new state
    on_enter: Dict[str, Callable | Property] 
        callbacks to be invoked when a certain state is entered. It is to be specified 
        as a dictionary with the states being the keys
    on_exit: Dict[str, Callable | Property]
        callbacks to be invoked when a certain state is exited. 
        It is to be specified as a dictionary with the states being the keys
        state name: List[Callable, Property]
            directly pass the state name as an argument along with the methods/properties which are allowed to execute 
            in that state
    self._valid = False# = None
    self.on_enter = on_enter
    self.on_exit  = on_exit
    # None cannot be passed in, but constant is necessary. 
    self.states   = states
    self.initial_state = initial_state
    self.machine = machine
    self.push_state_change_event = push_state_change_event