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Bases: Parameter

Initialize a new Property object and to get/set/delete an object/instance attribute. Please note the capital 'P' in Property to differentiate from python's own property. Property objects are similar to python property but not a subclass of it due to limitations and redundancy.


Name Type Description Default



The default value of the property.




docstring explaining what this property represents.




if True, the Property value can be changed only once when allow_None is set to True. The value is otherwise constant on the Thing instance.




if True, the Property value cannot be changed by setting the attribute at the class or instance levels at all. Either the value is fetched always or a getter method is executed which may still generate dynamic values at each get/read operation.




if True, None is accepted as a valid value for this Property, in addition to any other values that are allowed.




set to True to receive change events. Supply a function if interested to evaluate on what conditions the change event must be emitted. Default condition is a plain not-equal-to operator.



Optional[Union[List, Tuple, str, Enum]]

state of state machine where property write can be executed




if True, every write is stored in database and property value persists Thing instance destruction and creation. The loaded value from database is written into the property at Thing.__post_init__. set Thing.use_default_db to True, to avoid setting up a database or supply a db_config_file.




if True, property's first value is loaded from database and written using setter. Further writes are not written to database. if db_persist is True, this value is ignored.




if True, all write values are stored to database. The database value is not loaded at Thing.__post_init__(). if db_persist is True, this value is ignored.




custom getter method, mandatory when setter method is also custom supplied.




custom setter method




custom deleter method




set to false to make the property local/not remotely accessible




optional text label to be used when this Property is shown in a listing. If no label is supplied, the attribute name for this property in the owning Thing object is used.




store your own JSON compatible metadata for the property which gives useful (and modifiable) information about the property. Properties operate using slots which means you cannot set foreign attributes on this object normally. This metadata dictionary should overcome this limitation.




whether a separate Property instance will be created for every Thing instance. True by default. If False, all instances of a Thing class will share the same Property object, including all validation attributes (bounds, allow_None etc.).




controls whether the default value of this Property will be deepcopied when a Thing object is instantiated (if True), or if the single default value will be shared by all Thing instances (if False). For an immutable Property value, it is best to leave deep_copy at the default of False. For a mutable Property value, for example - lists and dictionaries, the default of False is also appropriate if you want all instances to share the same value state, e.g. if they are each simply referring to a single global object like a singleton. If instead each Thing should have its own independently mutable value, deep_copy should be set to True. This setting is similar to using field's default_factory in python dataclasses.




when True, property is set on Thing class instead of Thing instance.




a numeric value, usually in the range 0.0 to 1.0, which allows the order of Properties in a class to be defined in a listing or e.g. in GUI menus. A negative precedence indicates a property that should be hidden in such listings.

Source code in hololinked\core\
class Property(Parameter):
    Initialize a new Property object and to get/set/delete an object/instance attribute. Please note the capital 'P' in 
    Property to differentiate from python's own ``property``. ``Property`` objects are similar to python ``property``
    but not a subclass of it due to limitations and redundancy.


    default: None or corresponding to property type 
        The default value of the property. 

    doc: str, default empty
        docstring explaining what this property represents.

    constant: bool, default False
        if True, the Property value can be changed only once when ``allow_None`` is set to True. The
        value is otherwise constant on the ``Thing`` instance.

    readonly: bool, default False
        if True, the Property value cannot be changed by setting the attribute at the class or instance
        levels at all. Either the value is fetched always or a getter method is executed which may still generate dynamic
        values at each get/read operation.

    allow_None: bool, default False 
        if True, None is accepted as a valid value for this Property, in addition to any other values that are

    observable: bool, default False
        set to True to receive change events. Supply a function if interested to evaluate on what conditions the change 
        event must be emitted. Default condition is a plain not-equal-to operator.

    state: str | Enum, default None
        state of state machine where property write can be executed

    db_persist: bool, default False
        if True, every write is stored in database and property value persists ``Thing`` instance destruction and creation. 
        The loaded value from database is written into the property at ``Thing.__post_init__``.
        set ``Thing.use_default_db`` to True, to avoid setting up a database or supply a ``db_config_file``.

    db_init: bool, default False
        if True, property's first value is loaded from database and written using setter. 
        Further writes are not written to database. if ``db_persist`` is True, this value is ignored. 

    db_commit: bool,
        if True, all write values are stored to database. The database value is not loaded at ``Thing.__post_init__()``. 
        if db_persist is True, this value is ignored. 

    fget: Callable, default None
        custom getter method, mandatory when setter method is also custom supplied.

    fset: Callable, default None
        custom setter method

    fdel: Callable, default None
        custom deleter method

    remote: bool, default True
        set to false to make the property local/not remotely accessible

    label: str, default extracted from object name
        optional text label to be used when this Property is shown in a listing. If no label is supplied, 
        the attribute name for this property in the owning ``Thing`` object is used.

    metadata: dict, default None
        store your own JSON compatible metadata for the property which gives useful (and modifiable) information 
        about the property. Properties operate using slots which means you cannot set foreign attributes on this object 
        normally. This metadata dictionary should overcome this limitation. 

    per_instance_descriptor: bool, default False 
        whether a separate Property instance will be created for every ``Thing`` instance. True by default.
        If False, all instances of a ```Thing``` class will share the same Property object, including all validation
        attributes (bounds, allow_None etc.). 

    deepcopy_default: bool, default False 
        controls whether the default value of this Property will be deepcopied when a ``Thing`` object is instantiated (if
        True), or if the single default value will be shared by all ``Thing`` instances (if False). For an immutable 
        Property value, it is best to leave deep_copy at the default of False. For a mutable Property value, 
        for example - lists and dictionaries, the default of False is also appropriate if you want all instances to share 
        the same value state, e.g. if they are each simply referring to a single global object like a singleton. 
        If instead each ``Thing`` should have its own independently mutable value, deep_copy should be set to
        True. This setting is similar to using ``field``'s ``default_factory`` in python dataclasses.

    class_member : bool, default False
        when True, property is set on ``Thing`` class instead of ``Thing`` instance. 

    precedence: float, default None
        a numeric value, usually in the range 0.0 to 1.0, which allows the order of Properties in a class to be defined in
        a listing or e.g. in GUI menus. A negative precedence indicates a property that should be hidden in such listings.


    __slots__ = ['db_persist', 'db_init', 'db_commit', 'model', 'metadata', '_execution_info_validator', 'execution_info',
                '_observable', '_observable_event_descriptor', 'fcomparator', '_old_value_internal_name',

    def __init__(self, default: typing.Any = None, *, 
                doc : typing.Optional[str] = None, constant : bool = False, 
                readonly : bool = False, allow_None : bool = False, label : typing.Optional[str] = None, 
                state : typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.List, typing.Tuple, str, Enum]] = None,
                db_persist : bool = False, db_init : bool = False, db_commit : bool = False, 
                observable : bool = False, class_member : bool = False, model = None, 
                fget : typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None, fset : typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None, 
                fdel : typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None, fcomparator : typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,  
                deepcopy_default : bool = False, per_instance_descriptor : bool = False, remote : bool = True, 
                precedence : typing.Optional[float] = None, metadata : typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None
            ) -> None:
        super().__init__(default=default, doc=doc, constant=constant, readonly=readonly, allow_None=allow_None,
                    label=label, per_instance_descriptor=per_instance_descriptor, deepcopy_default=deepcopy_default,
                    class_member=class_member, fget=fget, fset=fset, fdel=fdel, precedence=precedence)
        self.db_persist = db_persist
        self.db_init    = db_init
        self.db_commit  = db_commit
        self.fcomparator = fcomparator
        self.metadata = metadata
        self._observable = observable
        self._observable_event_descriptor = None # typing.Optional[Event]
        self._execution_info_validator = None
        self.execution_info = None # type: typing.Optional[RemoteResource]
        if remote:
            self._execution_info_validator = RemoteResourceInfoValidator(
        self.model = None
        self.validator = None
        if model:
            if isinstance(model, dict):
                self.model = model
                self.validator = JSONSchemaValidator(model).validate
                self.model = wrap_plain_types_in_rootmodel(model) # type: BaseModel
                self.validator = self.model.model_validate

    def __set_name__(self, owner: typing.Any, attrib_name: str) -> None:
        super().__set_name__(owner, attrib_name)
        if self._observable:
            self._old_value_internal_name = f'{self._internal_name}_old_value'
            _observable_event_name = f'{}_change_event'  
            # This is a descriptor object, so we need to set it on the owner class
            self._observable_event_descriptor = Event(
                        doc=f"change event for {}"
                    ) # type: Event
            self._observable_event_descriptor.__set_name__(owner, _observable_event_name)
            setattr(owner, _observable_event_name, self._observable_event_descriptor)

    def __get__(self, obj: Parameterized, objtype: ParameterizedMetaclass) -> typing.Any:
        read_value = super().__get__(obj, objtype)
        self.push_change_event(obj, read_value)
        return read_value

    def push_change_event(self, obj, value : typing.Any) -> None:
        Pushes change event both on read and write if an event publisher object is available
        on the owning Thing.        
        if obj is None:
        if self._observable and obj.event_publisher:
            event_dispatcher = getattr(obj, self._observable_event_descriptor._obj_name, None) # type: EventDispatcher
            old_value = obj.__dict__.get(self._old_value_internal_name, NotImplemented)
            obj.__dict__[self._old_value_internal_name] = value 
            if self.fcomparator:
                if issubklass(self.fcomparator, classmethod):
                    if not self.fcomparator(self.owner, old_value, value):
                elif not self.fcomparator(obj, old_value, value):
            elif not old_value != value:

    def validate_and_adapt(self, value) -> typing.Any:
        if value is None:
            if self.allow_None:
                raise ValueError(f"Property {} does not allow None values")
        if self.model:
            if isinstance(self.model, dict):
            elif issubklass(self.model, BaseModel):
                value = self.model(**value)
            elif issubklass(self.model, RootModel):
                value = self.model(value)
        return super().validate_and_adapt(value)

    def external_set(self, obj: Parameterized, value : typing.Any) -> None:
        Set the value of the property from an external source, e.g. a remote client.
        if self.execution_info.state is None or (hasattr(obj, 'state_machine') and  
                                    obj.state_machine.current_state in self.execution_info.state):
            return self.__set__(obj, value)
            raise StateMachineError("Thing {} is in `{}` state, however attribute can be written only in `{}` state".format(
      , obj.state_machine.current_state, self.execution_info.state))

    def _post_value_set(self, obj, value : typing.Any) -> None:
        if (self.db_persist or self.db_commit) and hasattr(obj, 'db_engine'):
            from .thing import Thing
            assert isinstance(obj, Thing), f"database property {} bound to a non Thing, currently not supported"
            obj.db_engine.set_property(self, value)
        self.push_change_event(obj, value)
        return super()._post_value_set(obj, value)

    def comparator(self, func : typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable:
        Register a comparator method by using this as a decorator to decide when to push
        a change event.
        self.fcomparator = func 
        return func

    def is_remote(self):
        return self._execution_info_validator is not None

    def to_affordance(self, owner_inst) -> dict:
        from import PropertyAffordance
        return PropertyAffordance.generate(self, owner_inst)



comparator(func: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable

Register a comparator method by using this as a decorator to decide when to push a change event.

Source code in hololinked\core\
def comparator(self, func : typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable:
    Register a comparator method by using this as a decorator to decide when to push
    a change event.
    self.fcomparator = func 
    return func


external_set(obj: Parameterized, value: typing.Any) -> None

Set the value of the property from an external source, e.g. a remote client.

Source code in hololinked\core\
def external_set(self, obj: Parameterized, value : typing.Any) -> None:
    Set the value of the property from an external source, e.g. a remote client.
    if self.execution_info.state is None or (hasattr(obj, 'state_machine') and  
                                obj.state_machine.current_state in self.execution_info.state):
        return self.__set__(obj, value)
        raise StateMachineError("Thing {} is in `{}` state, however attribute can be written only in `{}` state".format(
  , obj.state_machine.current_state, self.execution_info.state))


push_change_event(obj, value: typing.Any) -> None

Pushes change event both on read and write if an event publisher object is available on the owning Thing.

Source code in hololinked\core\
def push_change_event(self, obj, value : typing.Any) -> None:
    Pushes change event both on read and write if an event publisher object is available
    on the owning Thing.        
    if obj is None:
    if self._observable and obj.event_publisher:
        event_dispatcher = getattr(obj, self._observable_event_descriptor._obj_name, None) # type: EventDispatcher
        old_value = obj.__dict__.get(self._old_value_internal_name, NotImplemented)
        obj.__dict__[self._old_value_internal_name] = value 
        if self.fcomparator:
            if issubklass(self.fcomparator, classmethod):
                if not self.fcomparator(self.owner, old_value, value):
            elif not self.fcomparator(obj, old_value, value):
        elif not old_value != value: