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The actual worker which pushes the event. The separation is necessary between Event and EventDispatcher to allow class level definitions of the Event

Source code in hololinked\core\
class EventDispatcher:
    The actual worker which pushes the event. The separation is necessary between ``Event`` and 
    ``EventDispatcher`` to allow class level definitions of the ``Event`` 

    __slots__ = ['_unique_identifier', '_unique_zmq_identifier', '_unique_http_identifier', '_publisher', '_owner_inst']

    def __init__(self, unique_identifier : str, publisher : "EventPublisher") -> None:
        self._unique_identifier = bytes(unique_identifier, encoding='utf-8')   
        self._unique_zmq_identifier = self._unique_identifier
        self._unique_http_identifier = self._unique_identifier      
        self._publisher = None
        self._owner_inst = None
        self.publisher = publisher

    def publisher(self) -> "EventPublisher": 
        Event publishing PUB socket owning object.
        return self._publisher

    def publisher(self, value : "EventPublisher") -> None:
        if not self._publisher:
            self._publisher = value
        elif value != self._publisher:
            raise AttributeError("cannot reassign publisher attribute of event {}".format(self._unique_identifier)) 

    def push(self, data : typing.Any = None, *, serialize : bool = True, **kwargs) -> None:
        publish the event. 

        data: Any
            payload of the event
        serialize: bool, default True
            serialize the payload before pushing, set to False when supplying raw bytes. 
            zmq_clients: bool, default True
                pushes event to RPC clients, irrelevant if ``Thing`` uses only one type of serializer (refer to 
                difference between zmq_serializer and http_serializer).
            http_clients: bool, default True
                pushed event to HTTP clients, irrelevant if ``Thing`` uses only one type of serializer (refer to 
                difference between zmq_serializer and http_serializer).
        self.publisher.publish(self, data, zmq_clients=kwargs.get('zmq_clients', True), 
                                http_clients=kwargs.get('http_clients', True), serialize=serialize)

    def receive_acknowledgement(self, timeout : typing.Union[float, int, None]) -> bool:
        Receive acknowlegement for event receive. When the timeout argument is present and not None, 
        it should be a floating point number specifying a timeout for the operation in seconds (or fractions thereof).
        return self._synchronize_event.wait(timeout=timeout)

    def _set_acknowledgement(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        Method to be called by RPC server when an acknowledgement is received. Not for user to be set.


publisher property writable

publisher: EventPublisher

Event publishing PUB socket owning object.



push(data: typing.Any = None, *, serialize: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None

publish the event.


Name Type Description Default



payload of the event




serialize the payload before pushing, set to False when supplying raw bytes.



zmq_clients: bool, default True pushes event to RPC clients, irrelevant if Thing uses only one type of serializer (refer to difference between zmq_serializer and http_serializer). http_clients: bool, default True pushed event to HTTP clients, irrelevant if Thing uses only one type of serializer (refer to difference between zmq_serializer and http_serializer).

Source code in hololinked\core\
def push(self, data : typing.Any = None, *, serialize : bool = True, **kwargs) -> None:
    publish the event. 

    data: Any
        payload of the event
    serialize: bool, default True
        serialize the payload before pushing, set to False when supplying raw bytes. 
        zmq_clients: bool, default True
            pushes event to RPC clients, irrelevant if ``Thing`` uses only one type of serializer (refer to 
            difference between zmq_serializer and http_serializer).
        http_clients: bool, default True
            pushed event to HTTP clients, irrelevant if ``Thing`` uses only one type of serializer (refer to 
            difference between zmq_serializer and http_serializer).
    self.publisher.publish(self, data, zmq_clients=kwargs.get('zmq_clients', True), 
                            http_clients=kwargs.get('http_clients', True), serialize=serialize)


receive_acknowledgement(timeout: typing.Union[float, int, None]) -> bool

Receive acknowlegement for event receive. When the timeout argument is present and not None, it should be a floating point number specifying a timeout for the operation in seconds (or fractions thereof).

Source code in hololinked\core\
def receive_acknowledgement(self, timeout : typing.Union[float, int, None]) -> bool:
    Receive acknowlegement for event receive. When the timeout argument is present and not None, 
    it should be a floating point number specifying a timeout for the operation in seconds (or fractions thereof).
    return self._synchronize_event.wait(timeout=timeout)